
" I had someone reach out for a Reiki session so I'm already seeing results! " - C.C ( Personal honey jar for buisness growth )

" Hannah is the real deal! Don't ask for things you're not ready for or unsure of.... this honey jar is noooo joke. The reason I haven't had a chance to leave a review before now is beause I've been soo freaking busy with my buisness.. I asked for that. And it's coming FULL FORCE! Thank you, Hannah! " - C.B ( Honey Jar for buisness growth )

" Just wanted to say that the honey jar still has things very sweetend for me. He hasnt been this sweet and open in like 6 months! Im still in shock. " - A.D  ( Honey Jar to sweeten relationship )

" Oops.. Hannah did it again! My lover went in last night/this morning. Usually he'll ask me what I want, but it seems like more of a formality. But last night, he made sure I was happy (several times! ) first. Ya'll don't know.. He left everything up to me with what I wanted. Encouraging mr to let go. Hot damn!!! That Honey Jar is EVERYTHING!!! " - L.M  ( Honey Jar to sweeten relationship )

" I see it improving my husbands attitude in all things already...since the 1st night...Im so thankful for your gifts and to know you. " - M. E  ( Honey Jar to sweeten marriage )

" All I have to say is if you didn't get a chance to do the honey jar this month, do it next time. I had fell asleep but I was halfway awakened by a voice asking me ' How do you want me to sweeten up your relationship? What does it look like to you? '. If you haven't figured it out, Hannah us the real deal. The Spirits definitely work with and through her. Thank you Hannah for doing the work and thank you to the spirits. " - L.M  ( Honey Jar to sweeten relationship )

" My friend is very amazed by the things you have done for him. His life has turned around and he's even put on some healthy weight and he is making better life style choices, and his job is bringing in the money that he asked for! " - A.D  ( Honey Jar working for friend ) 

" Today I wore my All Golden and Boss Queen Magic Body Butters. As I exit the store, I was walking on the sidewalk. There was a man walking in my direction. He stopped in his tracks to let me pass through like royalty. Note: There was plenty of room for both of us to walk in the directions we were going. Ya'll better order some body butters if you want to take your Queen status to the next level! "- L.B  ( Magical Body Butters )

" OK so I hafta tell you what happened yesterday at my interview!!! The manager who was supposed to interview me wasn't in bc she had a death in her family so the unit manager had to do it. Well on our way up to the floor she said she's heard so many great things about me that she just had to meet me. When I walked on the floor, I saw 2 ppl I liked working with and they greeted me with excitement! When one found out I was trying to come back, she hugged me so tight that I thought she wasn't gonna let me leave! When we went into her office, we didn't talk for not even 5 minuets b4 she blurted out that she liked me a lot and that she was gonna tell the manager I am what everyone said I was!!!! I practically walked out her office with the job in my hand!!! All I'm waiting on is the official word from HR!!! That bath bomb, open roads and BQ perfume, OMG!!!! Lawd that shit I'd DA TRUTH!!!! I MUST get more bath bombs as well as a few more things!!!!!! THANK YOU HUNE bc you are more than da truth!!!!! " 
